

" Enhancing Data Collection for Child and Maternal Health: the Department of Health & Family Welfare's State Health Data Hub Initiative "


The Department of Health & Family Welfare recognized the importance of comprehensive data collection for effective policy-making and resource allocation in the areas of child and maternal health. To address this need, they embarked on a project to develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and an Application/Portal for a State Health Data Hub. This case study explores the development process and the integration of the State Health Data Hub with the National Health Data Hub.

Development Process :

Needs Assessment : The Department conducted a thorough needs assessment to identify gaps in data collection and management related to child and maternal health. Key challenges included disparate data sources, lack of standardized procedures, and limited interoperability with national databases.

SOP Development : Based on the needs assessment, the Department collaborated with healthcare professionals, data analysts, and IT experts to develop comprehensive Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for data collection, storage, and reporting. The SOP outlined guidelines for data collection methods, data validation processes, and data sharing protocols.

Application/Portal Development : Concurrently, the Department worked with IT developers to design and build an intuitive Application/Portal for the State Health Data Hub. The Application/Portal aimed to streamline data collection processes, enhance data quality, and provide stakeholders with easy access to real-time health data.

Integration with National Health Data Hub : To ensure seamless data sharing and interoperability, the State Health Data Hub was designed to integrate with the National Health Data Hub. This integration allowed for the exchange of standardized data sets between the state and national levels, enabling policymakers to access a comprehensive repository of health information.


Improved Data Quality : The implementation of SOP and the State Health Data Hub Application/Portal led to improved data quality through standardized data collection methods and validation processes.

Enhanced Decision-Making : Stakeholders, including policymakers, healthcare providers, and researchers, benefitted from access to timely and accurate health data, enabling evidence-based decision-making and resource allocation.

Streamlined Reporting : The State Health Data Hub simplified the reporting process for healthcare facilities and agencies, reducing administrative burden and ensuring compliance with reporting requirements.

National Integration : Integration with the National Health Data Hub facilitated data sharing and collaboration across state boundaries, contributing to a more holistic understanding of health trends and outcomes at the national level.


The Department of Health & Family Welfare's initiative to develop SOP and an Application/Portal for the State Health Data Hub has significantly improved data collection and management processes in the areas of child and maternal health. By standardizing procedures, enhancing data quality, and integrating with national databases, the State Health Data Hub has become a valuable tool for evidence-based policymaking and public health decision-making.